Monday 19 April 2010

Tender - Group M

ME2045 Solid Mechanics
Group M
Emergency Crane project

Invitation to Tender

1 Introduction
1.1 Project Goals and Objectives
1.2 Purpose of this Invitation to Tender
1.3 Form of Tenders
1.4 Procurement Timetable
2 Background
2.1 Organisation Background
2.2 Technical Environment
2.3 Current Business Systems
3 Scope and Scale of Systems
3.1 Scope
3.2 Scale
4 Key Requirements
5 General Requirements
6 Detailed Functional Requirements
7 Technical Requirements
8 Cost Information Required
9 Implementation Requirements

All group’s have been invited to tender a design of a small portable crane for use in disaster relief. Whilst the majority of loose material can be removed by hand it is recognised that larger beams and objects need the use of further resources; with the difficulty of transporting larger earth moving equipment proving difficult. This is where a portable crane would prove to be most valuable. The group have established a blog that documents the progress of the design; from start to finish. It is available to view at

1.1 Project Goals and Objectives
The key goal was to design a crane that was easily capable of lifting the required weight (1000Kg) over a distance of 4m from its initial place of rest. It also needs to be economically viable to warrant production as well as robust enough to withstand all the forces it will be subjected to.

1.2 Purpose of this Invitation to Tender
This document outlines what objectives and goals the product has been designed to meet. It has been produced so that a clear knowledge of the product can be gained from reading it.

1.3 Form of Tenders
Any response should be made to the Project Manager once a decision has been made. Email:

1.4 Procurement Timetable
The tendering process is due to close on Friday 23rd April 2010. A working demonstration of the equipments capability is available upon request and will also be shown in the Group Presentation on Wednesday 28th April 2010. Should the product be selected a prototype would be developed immediately.


2.1 Institution's Background
The group was formed upon the release of the invitation to tender (3rd March 2010). Project roles were quickly established so the design could be researched and developed; with plenty of time to identify, and rectify, any areas for improvement.

2.2 Technical Environment
The creation of the blog has allowed the group to work from a variety of different locations; often as split down sub teams. This has assisted the development of the design along with the weekly planning meetings. Situational awareness has been maintained through this weekly meeting; allowing a fresh perspective to influence any work. The use of CAD software (Solidworks) has also helped in the design and development of the product.

2.3 Current Business Systems
Each team member was allocated a role to be responsible for. Despite this, all team members have been involved in all areas of development; allowing all the group skills to be utilised.


3.1 Scope
The constraints of the design were outlined in the initial invitation to tender, and are discussed in Key requirements below. This allowed a fair deal of flexibility as to the design of the crane; with a variety of alternatives considered. These alternatives are documented in the blog.

3.2 Scale
The market for the product is vast. The recent occurrence of a number of natural disasters, in a variety of locations worldwide, highlights where this design could be utilised.

The project had to work to the following conditions:
Be able to lift loads of not less than 1000Kgs.
Transport the load not less than 4m from the point of lift.
Be able to be disassembled and carried manually over 100m of rough ground.
Be able to be carried by a standard Land Rover 4x4.

In order for the design to be produced the procurement of a variety of parts, from different manufacturers is necessary. This includes a rolling hand cranked cradle, I beam section and the fabrication of the legs and shoes. In order to maximise economic savings a bulk order would be advised. Therefore production would not be agreed until all responses have been returned.

3.3m Long I beam section. The exact dimensions are available to view in the blog.
1000Kg Hand Pushed Trolley – Quick Fit
2 x Leg Supports. The exact dimensions are available to view in the blog.
4 x ‘Shoes. The exact dimensions are available to view in the blog.
4 x Bottle Jacks It was decided that the design would allow the use of generic Bottle Jacks in order to allow the use of readily available equipment. However it was recognised that a recommended bottle jack be made available with the design. This recommended bottle Jack is available at

Solidworks CAD was used to design the product. All associated ‘off the shelf’ equipment has been researched and recommended to insure that it meets the strict design criteria.

The overall cost of the design doesn’t require any training or consultancy fees to be considered. It is purely based around the cost of the equipment and fabrication of the materials used. If the design was to prove to be the winning tender then a training (how to use) manual would need to be produced to accompany the design.

A Gantt chart was used alongside the blog to keep a track on the product design. All group members were aware of the responsibility allocated to them and the timescale in which this duty was to be achieved. Well attended weekly group meetings allowed the discussion and solution of problems; without hindering the progress of the design.

1 comment:

  1. As a formal tender is not required any subsequent drafts will not be submitted. The requested information concerning financial breakdown, material choice, calculations, logistics and group dynamics will be discussed in seperate posts; as the responsibilty of each nominated individual.
