Thursday 25 March 2010

Bottle jack dimensions

Unfortunately we did not get a response from a potential supplier for a bottle jack that we had hoped to utilise as a part of the deisgn.
This did propmpt us to consider what other bottle jack to use but we then decided that the design would be far more successful (and cheaper to produce) if we made specific 'shoe' fittings. This will allow any potential users to utilise jacks that they have available; instead of restricting them to one device that we recommend.
The design of the different shoes is key to the success of the overall design so research was conducted to establish a few generic sizes. The results of this research is shown below (and the webpages used are linked at the bottom):

2 ton = 30.1625mm
3 ton = 33.3375mm
5 ton = 34.9250mm
8 ton = 44.4500mm
12 ton = 44.4500mm

From this information is is possible to see that a wide range of 'shoe' is needed; which could be supplied in a generic pack:

Shoe 1 = 30.2mm
Shoe 2 = 33.4mm
Shoe 3 = 35mm
Shoe 4 = 44.5mm

These sizes are all diameters for the shoes. However it has also been proposed that a square shoe be designed; to cater for all jack head types. This will be 150mm x 150mm to cater for most toe/floor jacks.

Conversion chart link:

Jack Research links:

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